Rabu, 22 Januari 2014

Cara Mendownload GTA : San Andreas Multiplayer

San Andreas Multiplayer (abbreviated to SA:MP) is a third party multiplayer modification for the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas computer game. San Andreas Multiplayer is developed by a team of dedicated fans of the Grand Theft Auto series of video games, who work on their own spare time developing SA:MP as a hobby.


SA:MP was created by Kye and other developers in the year 2006, these were also the people who had created VC:MP, though SA:MP was considered superior by both the community and the developers due to the high amount of creativity and expansion that could be done in San Andreas rather than Vice City, for example ability to swim in water and a lot of other things which allowed the developers to create an engine which was more appealing that the older one.


There are a wide range of gamemodes on SA:MP, these vary from the basic things such as deathmatches to things such as roleplay and cops and robber based gamemodes. Each SA:MP server has a specific gamemode in which the server is typically focused on, though there are servers which are classified as "Freeroam" which consist of many different activities that can be done.
Other mods are:
-Godfather mod
-RolePlay Game (clasic mod)
-Stunt/Parkour mode





Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

Cara Mendownload Internet Speed Hacker

Cara Mendownload Internet Speed Hacker

  1. Kamu harus mendownload aplikasi yang bernama .Net Framework.          Ini Linknya :                                                                http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=17718
  2. Lalu install .Net Framework nya sampai selesai
  3. Jika sudah di-install kamu akan disuruh me-restrast komputer/laptop anda 
  4. Jika sudah di restart buka internet anda dan download aplikasi yang bernama Internet Speed Hacker.Ini linknya : http://www.datafilehost.com/d/c9691db0
  5. Sesudah di download,install aplikasi tersebut
  6. Sesudah di install,anda akan melihat file yang berjudul Internet Speed Hacker.Buka file tersebut dan anda nanti anda disuruh memasukan password.Ini passwordnya : softpedia2013    

                                      SELAMAT MENIKMATI

Senin, 20 Januari 2014

Rage Maker Installer

                        Ini alamat webnya: http://ragemaker.net/download/

Kunci gitar Malam Kudus

Malam Kudus

Malam Kudus, Sunyi Senyap
 D                   G
Bintang-Mu Gemerlap
 C                   G         C                      G
Jurus'lamat Manusia Telah Datang Di Dunia
 D                     Em
Kristus Anak Daud (2x)